Wilderness of a female
I'm tired my cutie
so heal with love what make me sick
Kiss me, because from your lips I took my disease
maybe your lips honey provides me with what is in for my recovery
Tired, and my soul leave me all the night
To your vision and all night forget me
And she always back before the sunrise to blame me
my soul think I hate you, can I
My soul think i don't love you
is there is something except your eyes can contain me
I'm tired and my longing for you drives me
To follow your footsteps from orchard to other
And the good wind will tempt me
And the shine of anklets, sweetheart, have blinded me
Do you remember the day you fell on my lap
And you said
Get your hands and rip my dress strongly
And you start to move drunk in my hands
you blew up your come like a river over me
Then you fell asleep on my chest and in my paradise
After your shivers hit all my body
So why now do you run away from me?
Why you smashing my heart
Weren't you the one who told me?
You are my Lord and you're the one who create me
Aren't you the one who said at the height of her euphoria?
Leave some of you in me so there is no way that you forget me
Aren't you the one who ascended to the throne of my heart?
And it stole sleep from between my eyelids
So why sweetie you desert my bed and me?
Why do you deny me from my most beautiful home between your hands?
You leave me chained in my grief
Or do you see me one day in my prison with you?
Alaa Hazani - LDB
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